Day Services

We offer land-based day services for adults with additional needs, which can include Learning Disabilities, Autism, Dementia (memory loss), recovery from brain injuries and more. We do this by the following:

Community Integration

ARK promotes social cohesion within our all inclusive community onsite, as well as the wider community of our local villages, which includes our fortnightly lunch club in Merriott Village hall, and various groups and clubs that visit ARK for tours, activities and refreshments. Find out what’s on.

Land-Based Activities

ARK provides opportunities to learn and explore the boundaries of what everyone can achieve; to grow in confidence and self-esteem through supported, recognised and tangible outcomes. Developing practical, transferable, personal, work place and life skills whilst working within the community, as part of a team. Providing accessible and inclusive activities and facilities that deliver positive personal and social development, through creative experiences and meaningful work both at ARK and within the community.

Activities can include:

  • Animal husbandry
  • Horticulture (vegetable/flower production)
  • Rural crafts and skills
  • Up-cycling and restoration projects
  • Arts and crafts workshops
  • Marketing and Social Media
  • Cooking

Want to see more of what we do? Take a look at our gallery.

Fee Waiving Policy

In certain circumstances fee reduction or fee waiving is possible where a child will benefit from our services.

For more information, please click on the button below to view our fee waiving policy.